Michael Friis' Blog


US Embassy Cables Related to Denmark

As you may know, Wikileaks has released the full, un-redacted database of US Embassy cables. A torrent file useful for downloading all the data is available from Wikileaks, at the bottom of this page. It’s a PostgreSQL data dump. Danish journalists seem to be completely occupied producing vacuous election coverage, so to help out, I’ve filtered out the Denmark-related cables and are making them available as Google Spreadsheets/Fusiontables.

The first set (link) are cables (146 in all) from the US Embassy in Copenhagen, with all the “UNCLASSIFIED” ones filtered out (since they are typically trivial, if entertaining in their triviality). Here’s the query:

copy (
	select * 
	from cable 
	where origin = 'Embassy Copenhagen' 
		and classification not like '%UNCLASSIFIED%'
	order by date desc)
to 'C:/data/cph_embassy_confidential.csv' with csv header

The second set, at 1438 rows, (link) mention either “Denmark” or “Danish”, are from embassies other than the one in Copenhagen and are not “UNCLASSIFIED”. Query:

copy (
	select * 
	from cable 
	where origin != 'Embassy Copenhagen' 
		and classification not like '%UNCLASSIFIED%'
 		and (
 			content like '%Danish%' or
 			content like '%Denmark%'
	order by date desc
to 'C:/data/not_cph_embassy_confidential.csv' 
	with csv header 
	force quote content
	escape '"'

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